Company develops first ready-to-market product list

For the past few months Importfab has been “telling its story” through its first product list.
The list, fine-tuned in recent months and intended to be expanded by the end of the year, presents “ready to market” products and defines the company’s first evolutionary step from CMO to CDMO, i.e., from an exclusively manufacturing company to a company that, thanks to the support of the specialized teams of Labomar Group companies, can today offer services derived from market analysis, R&D and regulatory activities.
Thanks to the synergies started by the R&D departments of Labomar and Welcare and the collaboration with Labiotre for the supply of raw materials, the new catalog is even broader and richer in proposals capable of responding to market trends and the different customer needs.
Quality, innovation and scientific research continue to be the basis of the cosmetic, food supplement and medical devices, while always maintaining a focus on sustainability.